Dual Diagnosis Mood Disorder

photo of two gears - dual diagnosis mood disorder - hired power breakaway

When a person who is struggling with addiction also has problems with unstable moods, the person is said to have a dual diagnosis mood disorder. There are many conditions that fall into the category of dual diagnosis mood disorder, all of them involving a history of depression and/or manic moods in a person. Causes and […]

Boundaries in Recovery

photo of a line in the sand - boundaries in recovery - breakaway hired power

Boundaries in recovery help a person safeguard his sobriety. Boundaries are life-enhancing structures. They are borders and signs put up by a person in an effort to own and protect his life, make wise choices and do what is right for him. Boundaries in recovery are simply yes’s that allow beneficial things and people to […]

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

photo of an apple core in front of a mirror with a reflection of a whole apple - body dysmorphic disorder - breakaway hired power

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is the term used to describe a condition where a person imagines and fully believes that an aspect of his or her body is disfigured or defective when, in fact, it is not. The disorder interferes with the person’s daily functioning. Body Dysmorphic Disorder affects men and women equally. BDD is […]

Alcoholism Signs and Symptoms

photo of a silhouette of a man holding a glass half full of liquor up to his head and a half empty bottle on the table beside him - alcoholism signs and symptoms - breakaway hired power

Some alcoholism signs and symptoms are subtle and some are not. The longer a person has been struggling with alcohol, the more severe the signs become. The effects of alcoholism are pervasive and touch all aspects of a person’s life. Here are some clues that indicate a person is having a problem with alcohol. Amount […]

Coping Skills for Recovery

3d image of the word skill being built - coping skills in recovery - breakaway hired power

Learning coping skills for recovery from drugs or alcohol will help a person handle life’s everyday stresses and events. Coping with life’s ups and downs is critical for long-term recovery. Not learning or strengthening copings skill for recovery makes it far too easy to turn back to destructive substances to cope with life. Six Coping […]

Recovery Coach

photo of hands reaching out to help one another over a blue cloudy sky background - hired power breakaway

A recovery coach is someone who provides support to a person who has or who is recovering from addictive behaviors. A recovery coach helps a person make responsible choices, engage in positive change and see how unhelpful, addictive behaviors affect or has affected the person’s life. Tasks of a Recovery Coach The tasks of a […]

Hallucinogen Effects

photo of LSD being placed onto a sugar cube with a dropper - hallucinogen effects - breakaway hired power

Hallucinogen effects include a condition known as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD). It occurs in some people who have used hallucinogen drugs. It can occur in people after one use of a hallucinogen drug but it generally appears and then gets worse with continued drug use. It is not possible to tell which hallucinogen users […]

Panic Attacks

photo of a panic button - panic attacks - breakaway hired power

Panic attacks are part of an anxiety disorder known as Panic Disorder (PD). Panic attacks cannot be predicted and often come “out of the blue” or they are triggered by something in a person’s environment. Panic attacks create feelings of extreme anxiety, dread and fear in the person experiencing the attack. Physical symptoms associated with […]

Gaming Addiction

photo of a person holding a game controller in his lap, photo is in black and white with the game controller in color - gaming addiction - breakaway hired power

Gaming addiction refers to the obsessive use of online and computer games. Similar to people with other psychological addictions, people with gaming addiction find it hard to stop the behavior. It interferes with their daily lives and causes them to neglect important responsibilities. Concern about the addictive and destructive aspects of excessive video game use […]


image of a drop of water and the ripple it created in the water - mindfulness - hired power breakaway

Mindfulness is the concept of being fully and intentionally aware and non-judgmental of the present moment. It involves observing from a distance, helping a person identify how he feels, what thoughts he is having and what is happening in his surroundings. A person who practices mindfulness regularly will begin to notice patterns of thinking that […]